License Application and Renewal

Agricultural Pesticide Sales Report - Login Page

Create Sales Report:
Select 'Create Sales Report' to create a new sales report or to complete an existing sales report.

Agricultural pesticide sales records may be entered manually or with an upload file. Entered pesticides are saved to the database automatically. Up until you complete and certify your sales report, you may exit the application at any time and enter additional records at a later date.

View Completed Sales Report:
Once a sales report has been certified, a license number and PIN number may be used indefinitely to access a certified and completed sales report. A different PIN number is assigned for each year of sales.

Select 'View Completed Sales Report' to:
1) Download, view or print a sales report that has already been certified.
2) Pay the amount due for a certified sales report online or print a payment summary page to mail with your check payment to MDA.

Certified sales reports are locked from editing. Contact the Pesticide Distribution Auditor to amend or correct a sales report at 651-201-6188.

Sales Entry Pages

Add an Agricultural Pesticide (one pesticide at a time) Report agricultural pesticide product sales by entering either the MDA Product Number, or an EPA Registration Number of a pesticide.
As you enter characters of the EPA Registration Number, a list of possible EPA Registration Numbers and Product Names will be displayed to select from.Non-agricultural pesticide products are listed in red and are not reportable. If an EPA Registration Number and/or Product Name are not in the list, manually enter the entire EPA Registration Number and press the keyboard Up Arrow twice to close the drop down. Then manually type in the Product Name field. You must report all agricultural pesticide sales to MDA whether registered or unregistered.

'Save and Return' and 'Save and Continue' buttons are displayed on the sales entry page.
'Save and Return' saves the current record and returns to the sales table page showing all product entries displayed.
'Save and Continue' saves the entered sales record and allows you to continue adding additional products without returning to the sales table page.

MDA Product Numbers and EPA registration numbers are found at the MDA Registered Product Search Web site,
MDA Registered Product Search.

Upload a .csv Formatted File of Agricultural Pesticides
The maximum upload file size is 1M.
A .csv text file of agricultural pesticide sales records may be uploaded. A comma-delimited (.csv) format must be used and formatted with only the four following columns. Do not include headers or labels.

Column 1) MDA Product Number - Number, formatted with zero decimal places
Column 2) Number of Units - Number formatted with 2 decimal places
Column 3) Unit Type - Gallon or Pound spelled exactly as listed. General format
Column 4) Total Gross Sales Dollar amount for calendar year of product sale - Number formatted with 2 decimal places

If there is an error in your upload file, the upload will stop at the error row, discontinue data entry and display an error row message. Correct the error in you upload file and then re-upload the file.
Continue until all errors are corrected and all products are reported. Choose to 'Append' uploaded records (add to an existing agricultural pesticide sales report) or 'Overwrite' (delete current upload and replace with new upload).

Sales Summary Page

The Sales Summary Page will show the totals of MN Gross Sales fee and ACRRA surcharge due calculated and payable from your reported sales.
Choose to pay online or send a check from this page. If you choose to send a check, print this page and mail it with your payment.
Answer yes or no to the question regarding financial, commercial or trade secret for sales data being submitted.
Complete the Sales Summary page by typing in all information fields. Your typed name is your E­Signature.
Print the Summary Page before selecting 'Yes I Agree' to have a copy to accompany with check payment.

Select 'Yes, I Agree' to submit, and certify your sales report is true and correct. After it is certified, your report is locked from being changed online. Contact the Pesticide Distribution Auditor to amend or edit submitted sales reports at 651-201-6188.

'Back' takes you back to the previous page.

'Cancel' closes your report, saving any agricultural pesticide sales information you have entered.
Selecting 'Cancel' does not complete or submit your report.

A detailed online tutorial is available for more information on using the MN Registered Pesticide Product Search web site and Online Dealer Agricultural Pesticide Sales Report Application at

Pesticide Dealer License and Pesticide Control Law requirement information is found at

If you have any questions, please contact the Pesticide & Fertilizer Management Division at (651) 201-6615.