License Application and Renewal

Pesticide Sales Report - Login Page

Help Instructions for Nonagricultural Pesticide Registrants

Help Instructions for Agricultural Pesticide Dealers

Create Sales Report:
Select 'Create Sales Report' to create a new sales report or to complete an existing sales report.

Pesticide sales records may be entered manually or with an upload file. Entered pesticides are saved to the database automatically. Up until you complete and certify your sales report, you may exit the application at any time and enter additional records at a later date.

View Completed Sales Report:
Once a sales report has been certified, a license number and PIN number may be used indefinitely to access a certified and completed sales report. A different PIN number is assigned for each year of sales.

Select 'View Completed Sales Report' to:
1) Download, view or print a sales report that has already been certified.
2) Pay the amount due for a certified sales report online or print a payment summary page to mail with your check payment to MDA.

Certified sales reports are locked from editing. Contact the Pesticide Distribution Auditor to amend or correct a sales report at 651-201-6188.

If you have any questions, please contact the Pesticide & Fertilizer Management Division at (651) 201-6615.