Animal Care products are products used for the care of livestock and household pets.
Crop Chemicals are agricultural and horticultural pesticides including sod production products.
Disinfectants and Sanitizers include all professional use and homeowner use disinfectant and sanitizer products.
Formulating are products used to formulate, or manufacture, end-use pesticides.
Garden and Lawn care are products generally used by homeowners on lawns and gardens.
Home pesticides are used in the home by the homeowner. Mosquito repellents are included here.
Industrial, Rights-of-Way, and Forestry products include pesticides used on highway and power line rights of ways, in industrial areas, and forest management products.
Miscellaneous products include cooling tower microbiocides and slimicides, industrial preservatives and microbiocides, aquatic use products, professional mosquito control products, anti-fouling paints and products that don't fit into any other category.
Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub chemicals are products for use in swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs (except disinfectants and sanitizers).
Structural pesticides include pesticides used in and around structures by professionals.
Turf and Ornamental products include professional use turf and ornamental products, and products for use on golf courses.
Vertebrate Control products include rodenticides, avicides, piscicides, and animal repellents.
Wood Preservatives are products that are designed to protect wood from decay by fungus and insects.